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By Evelio Perez |
But.............unfortunately, these new millennial and hipped generations are beyond understanding the heartache and history of many in the Cuban community. There is no talking to them, they have fallen for the Marxist propaganda, lock, stock, and barrel in blind allegiance to their Socialist puppet masters. There is no reasoning or even talking about the subject with these people without being insulted and put in our place, there is no shame.
They have no frigging clue, they can't understand why we, the older and wiser generation feel the way that we do.
How could anyone forget the reason why we are all here?
Did they learn anything from their parents?
Why do they disgrace their memories?
Where are their Dignity and Honor?
Well, my leftist well-meaning friends, allow me to repeat myself, you either have parents who didn't teach you the meaning of right and wrong, are either too young to remember the lives that these killers destroyed, or simply are too young to have lived in that insane Communist hell hole.
You should know better!
Their hate almost sounds like those same people who yelled "PAREDON" (firing squad) in those rigged kangaroo courts. Yes, these are the same type of people who falsely saw Obama and Biden's "HOPE and CHANGE" in the same way many saw Fidel Castro's "Patria o Muerte Venceremos" (Country, Death, and Victory) as the great solution to solve all problems.
What is wrong with these people? Did they forget the reason why we fled Cuba? They are simply taught to be good little Liberals by America's school system. Simple as that.
The ultimate goal of these Woke Cubans is to destroy the American way of life and make it into a Socialist paradise.
The RIOTS, really? Donald Trumps America? He caused the riots? Please don't fall for that lame and slanderous lie. If any of you "Cuban-Americans" who are voting Democrat have any (verguenza) shame, remember what the "Social Justice" warriors did to our once beautiful and prosperous Cuba, they were the same kind of people that destroyed a great country, and that are once again falling for the same kind of horror. Our parents who suffered the most would be jumping out of their graves if they saw what their own children are thinking of doing.
Also, the insane idea that any Cuban-American claiming to not vote for Trump because he is rude (to his attackers), is going to lie to you, don't fall for it! They can't go after his list of accomplishments because even they would have to agree that it is very impressive. They have nothing!
So Trump hurt your feelings, Boo Hoo, get over it. There is no other president in the great history of this country who has done as much to make this a better place to live. His achievements are incredibly long and impressive, and if you don't believe me, Google it! The lying press will never report them. Did you know that he was just nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the second time? If you did, you are lucky. Instead of supporting the Marxists, really open your eyes to the facts, not the lies that your buddies at the DNC, Antifa, BLM, Communist Cuba, MSM, and George Soros want to drill into the minds of you hapless"Snowflakes". Freedom of Speech, religion, 2nd Amendment, and our way of life is at stake, so thank you for your opinion, but no thanks.
I KNOW that there is a fight between Socialism and Capitalism and what the future of this country is going to look like for our kids. You can yell at the top of your lungs about the glorious gains of Socialism, but unless you were there in Communist Cuba and saw what most of us saw, there is nothing you can say or do to change our minds.
There is just no excuse for any Cuban that had their families raped, abused, divided, or killed to support this evil and tyrannical regime......... not now, not ever!
Please in the name of God, don't allow this to happen. Remember, you only get to vote for Socialism and Communism, once.
Cubans talk alot here in the US, but fleed Cuba without saying a word. Cubans are cowards, most other countries shed blood in order for their voices to be heard.
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You of course are one of the ones that fled your own country and are talking shit...
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