Sep 26, 2020


By Evelio Perez
Some of the younger second and third-generation Cuban-Americans born in the land of freedom are now voicing their support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their Socialist allies and agendas. 
Some of them even take it to the next level and go as far as to insult and demean other more conservative Cuban Americans for wanting to fight against that same system that destroyed and killed many in Cuba under the banner of Social Justice.  

 But.............unfortunately, these new millennial and hipped generations are beyond understanding the heartache and history of many in the Cuban community. There is no talking to them, they have fallen for the Marxist propaganda, lock, stock, and barrel in blind allegiance to their Socialist puppet masters. There is no reasoning or even talking about the subject with these people without being insulted and put in our place, there is no shame. 
They have no frigging clue, they can't understand why we, the older and wiser generation feel the way that we do. 

 How could anyone forget the reason why we are all here? 
Did they learn anything from their parents? 
Why do they disgrace their memories? 
Where are their Dignity and Honor? 

 Well, my leftist well-meaning friends, allow me to repeat myself, you either have parents who didn't teach you the meaning of right and wrong, are either too young to remember the lives that these killers destroyed, or simply are too young to have lived in that insane Communist hell hole. 
                       You should know better!
Their hate almost sounds like those same people who yelled "PAREDON" (firing squad) in those rigged kangaroo courts. Yes, these are the same type of people who falsely saw Obama and Biden's "HOPE and CHANGE" in the same way many saw Fidel Castro's "Patria o Muerte Venceremos" (Country, Death, and Victory) as the great solution to solve all problems. 

  What is wrong with these people? Did they forget the reason why we fled Cuba? They are simply taught to be good little Liberals by America's school system. Simple as that. 

The ultimate goal of these Woke Cubans is to destroy the American way of life and make it into a Socialist paradise.  

The RIOTS, really? Donald Trumps America? He caused the riots? Please don't fall for that lame and slanderous lie. If any of you "Cuban-Americans" who are voting Democrat have any (verguenza) shame, remember what the "Social Justice" warriors did to our once beautiful and prosperous Cuba, they were the same kind of people that destroyed a great country, and that are once again falling for the same kind of horror. Our parents who suffered the most would be jumping out of their graves if they saw what their own children are thinking of doing.

  Also, the insane idea that any Cuban-American claiming to not vote for Trump because he is rude (to his attackers), is going to lie to you, don't fall for it! They can't go after his list of accomplishments because even they would have to agree that it is very impressive. They have nothing!

 So Trump hurt your feelings, Boo Hoo, get over it. There is no other president in the great history of this country who has done as much to make this a better place to live. His achievements are incredibly long and impressive, and if you don't believe me, Google it! The lying press will never report them. Did you know that he was just nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the second time? If you did, you are lucky. Instead of supporting the Marxists, really open your eyes to the facts, not the lies that your buddies at the DNC, Antifa, BLM, Communist Cuba, MSM, and George Soros want to drill into the minds of you hapless"Snowflakes". Freedom of Speech, religion, 2nd Amendment, and our way of life is at stake, so thank you for your opinion, but no thanks.

  I KNOW that there is a fight between Socialism and Capitalism and what the future of this country is going to look like for our kids. You can yell at the top of your lungs about the glorious gains of Socialism, but unless you were there in Communist Cuba and saw what most of us saw, there is nothing you can say or do to change our minds.

 There is just no excuse for any Cuban that had their families raped, abused, divided, or killed to support this evil and tyrannical regime......... not now, not ever!

Please in the name of God, don't allow this to happen. Remember, you only get to vote for Socialism and Communism, once.

Jul 18, 2018


By Evelio Perez
"Che" Guevara 
with Fidel Castro 
 Socialism is crawling its way into our country and our way of life is being threatened. 
Every day our voices are being slowly silenced, our constitution is being attacked and our moral beliefs are being tossed aside for the new ways of the new society. 
Some may ask, who does this guy think he is?  
What makes this guy such an expert on Socialism?
 I was born in Havana, Cuba in October 1952. We lived in a two-bedroom apartment alongside my twin brother, mother, and father in Old Havana just a couple of blocks from "El Malecon" (The famous seawall along the outskirts of the city).

 We were considered a normal middle-class family with modest means. We had a very close family unit with lots of good friends with plenty of good times, and everything was great until...........................a very charismatic and impressive young man appeared on the scene, this Messiah, this GREAT leader, THE ONE, this person who offered Hope and Change (Hmmmm). He who appeared to have all the answers to every question ever asked and more.

 José Rodríguez executed 
 So on Jan.1,1959, this bearded leader and his triumphant liberators paraded into the streets of Havana lifting the hopes of many who believed in this seemingly great man.

 That was a very scary, brutal, and bloody year, the kangaroo courts were continuously unfair and without any mercy. They were also on television where every day you could see person after person appearing in this farce also called a court of law.  
A real Kangaroo Court
 I will never forget it as the condemned were dragged into the courts with the crowds drooling with hate and screaming at the top of their lungs in complete and delirious devilish harmony the words "PAREDON! PAREDON! PAREDON! PAREDON!" (firing squad) begging for blood, dooming many before they had any chance to defend themselves........  of course, most of them were found guilty and shot minutes later.
 Fidel Castro then proceeded to take all of the people's weapons in the pretense that he would take care of all of us, he told us that only bad people had arms of death............. and yes, he took all of our fire-arms and left us defenseless       (You ever wonder why Castro has lasted so long?)
Raul Castro personally takes
 part in executions
 I still remember the talks our parents had with us about not talking to ANYONE, for we could innocently tell of our parent's disgust with the damned Revolution. The fear of being dragged into those trials was enough torture for an 8-year-old little boy. 

 Eventually, we were pulled out of school because the communist indoctrination started. All teachers taught and demanded that your love and loyalty always began with Fidel, El Che, and the Revolution.

Fidel Castro questioning a Cuban
 farmer before his execution
 Within a year in power, Fidel Castro started to take our freedoms away as he started his Socialist experiment on an unsuspecting and desperate country by confiscating all firearms and nationalizing all industries in Cuba. 

 The government (Fidel) owned everything! Oh yes, even your home and your children. 
Every neighborhood had a committee headed by loyal Castro supporters known by the oppressed as chivatos (rats) that would inform on their neighbors if they even suspected that you were against Fidel and his Revolution.

 Our families were split apart by ideologies, some were with the Revolution and the rest of us were not. Kaos ruled our daily lives so much that we could not even trust our closest friends. However.......... this never-ending and agonizing nightmare would not last forever.

 On September 3, 1961, our Mother told my twin brother and I (to our surprise) that on that same day we were going to America to see our beloved father. (Who left a few months before to get a job and an apartment for us when we got there.)

 I remember getting on that old Pan Am twin-engine propeller plane and leaving the land of my birth and half of my beloved family to never see them again.

 We got to the United States soon after and remember when my feet hit the ground my mother told us crying "Son, we don't have to be scared anymore, now you can say anything you want because we are free".
  I'll never forget those words as long as I live, and it is for that reason that I will continue to fight against this Socialist onslaught that is dooming our society today.

 It is up to us who came from Socialist dictatorships to lead the revolt against the evil that is contaminating America before it is too late. We know who these people are and how they are trying to achieve their goals.

Executioner René Rodríguez Cruz 
shoots García Olayón in the
 head on Jan. 2, 1959
 All immigrants from Nicaragua, Bolivia, El Salvador, Venezuela, Ecuador, and of course Cuba that has experienced the horrors of this system, have to re-double and lead the effort against this Socialist tidal wave that is destroying life as we know it. 

 We must be loud and we must be clear but most of all we must be heard. We must unmask these pretenders and expose them for what they really are, Radical Socialists who are dead set on changing America to their idealistic Socialist utopia.
 Folks, we are at a desperate crossroads in this country's history, and "We The People" are the last line of defense. 

 We must not fail to stop this blatant overthrow of our Constitutional freedoms and our precious way of life because............ the alternative is simply more of the same Cuban nightmare, how do I know?  I was there.............

Jan 30, 2018


By Evelio Perez
 OK everybody, let's see a show of hands and raise them if you can identify a Liberal within the first minute of any conversation.  
I like to think that I can smell a Liberal a mile away, and most of the time I wouldn't be too far from the truth. We all know the type, the snob in the office, the relative who hogs the conversation, the uppity elite college boy, the all caring goody two shoe, the anti-establishment leach, the intellectual, the in your face gay activist, the anarchist, the pacifist, the progressive, the pro-abortion feminist, the atheist, the big mouth know it all, the hipster, the environmentalist and don't forget the always proud "freaking" socialist........... You see, they are never wrong and they know EVERYTHING!  

 The more you try to be civil and explain yourself, the more erratic they become. You might as well mumble whatever nonsense you want, for they will undoubtedly ignore every single word you say. 
 In order to advance their ideology, Liberals must find and identify an unsuspecting and unprepared subject. The good lefty will search you out and likely identify you as a slimy Right-Wing Conservative scumbag. The Liberal, of course, is always surrounded by a crowd of friendly Liberals ready to give each other a helping hand. So prepare for the disgusting Liberal onslaught!  Hint........ Get out if you can, you don't stand a chance!
 They will always gear their convoluted talking point with their sole intention to get you involved in their one-sided discussion, you, of course, will be the target.  
 One by one, this group of brave Liberals will begin their attack, like vicious little vultures they will begin their avalanche of questions. They will ask and answer their own questions in loud and derisive tones. Every time you try to answer their questions, they will angrily cut you off with personal slurs and insults. 

 You see, the lib's only way to win any argument is to not let you get your point across, of course, If you can't get your point across, you will always lose the argument........... and that, is how they plan to defeat you. 
              This is who they are Folks.

 It gets worse my fellow Conservatives, many times you will be branded with a hurtful name meant to hurt, demoralize and demean you. They will use phrases like.... Fanatic, War Monger, Nazi (that's a good one), Right Wing nut job, complete moron, Fascist pig, hell if that don't work they will find some sort of demeaning personal swipe at your character, whether it's your looks or even your job status.

 They will immediately begin to tell you in their "holier than thou" attitude that you are a total idiot who does not deserve to be in the same room that they are in. They are of course superior to you in every way.

 They will always butt in and interrupt your private conversations with their always correct answers...... and they will never have a problem letting you know how wrong you are.

They will always challenge you when they are many but will mysteriously stay silent and disappear when they are alone. 
                             Why is that?

 They can and will never admit when they are wrong because that would in all likeliness expose their whole argument.

 They will tell you to stop bringing up Benghazi, it's not Obama's fault!!! 
Liberal Logic    
 The President had a campaign stop in Utah the next day to worry about. What are four American lives when more important matters are on the agenda? In other words, like Hillary Clinton would famously say "What difference does it make?" 
Do they really know how stupid that makes them look?

 They will also tell you that we are always unjustly picking on President Obama because he is a black man. The immediate response to that ridiculous statement is to want to hurt these imbeciles. But, we must be civil, try to control your anger if you feel you must slug the Lib.................. Remember, we are not like them, we are simply better than that! 

 The main reason we disagree with their Socialist Messiah and his far-left comrades is not only because he is a complete knucklehead and an incompetent president but because of his liberal policies that are crippling our nation. It's not because he is black!
                We are not racists!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 We could proudly blurt out the names of many prominent and successful Black Conservatives that I would vote for in a split second, like
 Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Herman Cain, Dr. Ben Carson, Allen West, Clarence Thomas, Jennifer Carroll, Arthur Davis, Tim Scott, Alan Keyes, 
Ken Blackwell, Walter E. Williams, Mia Love, and Lynn Swann to name a few...... But again, all of it will go in one ear and out the other, it just doesn't matter. 
 You see, In their ignorance and love for their ideological hero, their perception of reality is totally in denial. They will tell you with a straight face that "President Barack Hussein Obama can do no wrong, he has never failed or lied to us, NEVER! So don't ever dare say anything bad about this great man!" 
                         Yeah right!!!!!
 We don't like Obama because he is black, we dislike the president and his cronies because not only does he hate this country, he clearly does not know what he is doing. To top that, his liberal policies are slowly destroying the fiber of what made this once great country successful. 

 Right off the top of my head, I can rattle off a long list of major mistakes the president and his liberal administration has made, like the ObamaCare nightmare, The Ukraine debacle, trusting Putin's Russia, Libya, Syria, leaving Iraq thus leaving it for terrorist groups like ISIS, alienating our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel, aiding The radical Muslim Brotherhood to take power in Egypt, Fast and Furious, the billion-dollar vacations, Solyndra, doing nothing on The Keystone Pipeline, the war on our right to bear arms, the promises of openness in his administration, The 19 TRILLION Dollar national debt, the millions of lost jobs, the U.S. credit downgrade, Obama's response to the Gulf oil spill, Benghazi, and now incredibly, this man is breaking American law and is actually paying bribes, paying 150 Billion dollars in bribes to Iran for the release of badly treated American sailors. We are now dealing with Terrorists, really?

 That does not mean that he is doing a bad job, just ask Liberal Queen and Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton, she'll tell you with a straight face that "it's a vast Right-Wing conspiracy!" 
  Every time I hear some of these ignoramuses repeat the lies of their ideological leaders and then pass them off as fact, not only makes them look like fools but makes them the perfect loyal pets to their Utopian Socialist masters. 
 It's frustrating! Just knowing that I am right most of the time when dealing with these liberal thugs is a sad reminder of how much trouble this country is really in. 
  Just like the fanatics that gave rise to Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, and Mao Tse-Tung. These liberal zombies and their blind allegiance to their lord and master Barack Hussein Obama and his conspirators have us headed in the same direction. They have this incredible love for their liberal ideals that they have become a problematic danger to the health and future of this once great country.

 Well, there you have it my friends, my definition of who and what a Liberal is. 
Maybe it hasn't gotten this bad in your neighborhood just yet........ But please, as a favor to your children and this once great country, Please!!!!! Just be on the lookout O.K.?  It is America we are trying to save, isn't it?      

Nov 10, 2017


By Evelio Perez

 The ignorant masses of welfare recipients, illegal aliens, 90% of Blacks, Latinos, cellar-dwellers, Liberals, the freaks, druggies, ex-cons, Anarchists, radical Jihadists, lazy people living off of our sweat and hard-earned money, Communists, and the fanatical Far Left. They will also continue to support this failed former president and all who support his Socialist ideals as long as he delivers their all-important paid by us goodies. Bottom line, as long as Obama and others like him (in future administrations) continue to give these leeches of society what they want, they will not only continue to back his ineffective and corrupt leadership but proclaim him as the best president ever.
 How mind-blowing is it that after 300 years of the most successful and fruitful economic system (Capitalism) in the history of mankind, that we now have the audacity to be experimenting with a system that has proven over and over to be a colossal failure, all of course under the guise of social justice also known as Socialism. Even with it's best intentions and the greatest liberal minds at their disposal, this albatross of a system keeps destroying countries, each and every time. 
 Former President Barack Obama's brand of Socialism consists of "sharing the wealth". The Democrat administration and our imbecile President were literately changing the Constitution to suit their liberal goals for their ultimate and unattainable paradise.

 Under the last Liberal or Progressive administration (whatever they want to call themselves that day), the middle class and the poor were struggling more and more each and every day just to make ends meet. 
The Socialism that our former President was trying to cram down our throats was creating such a huge gap between rich and poor that it was slowly eliminating the middle class in the process. 
No matter how much they would want to sugar coat it, they had to steal hard-earned money from the people that make it in order to pay the people that didn't. 

 Obama's idea of a Social Utopia along with a failed socialized health system (Obamacare) to benefit the poor was simply a disaster. There is no doubt in my mind that the complete implementation of this trainwreck of a system would have destroyed us all if Hillary Clinton would have won the election. 

 There is one reason and one reason only of why most Americans supported this clearly incompetent former Socialist President, it is because he was the first black president. They are so invested in trying to keep his fake legacy of a great president that they must defend him at all costs (regardless of all of his failures) to save the all-mighty image that blacks can make good presidents. In other words, he can do no wrong! That is a cruel and unfortunate shame.... All for a LEGACY!

No photo description available.
 We see his legacy-building all over the place, like Obama care, wide-open borders, legalizing drugs, giving 20% of our uranium reserves to our mortal enemy (The Russians), establishing relations with terrorist nations like Iran, Cuba, and The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, arming ISIS, turning his back on Israel, and countless of other mind-blowing scenarios. 

 Only the improbable victory of Populist-Republican President Donald J. Trump stopped the advancement of the Diabolical agenda that Obama and his cronies had planned for all of us.
 If Hillary Clinton would have won like she was supposed to, she was ready to completely consolidate the Democrats Socialist iron grip on our nation. She was basically, Obama's caretaker. Her job was simple, completely seal the deal on all of Obama's agenda and secure the former president's legacy and change our way of life for ages to come. 

President Donald J. Trump
 There is no doubt, that our fate is now in the hands of our new President, Donald J. Trump. He was elected because he dared to destroy the Washington Cesspool of corruption that has been corroding our liberties like there was no tomorrow. He declared that he would dismantle all of Obama's executive orders, name Conservative Supreme Court Justices and to do what was necessary to take our country back from the Socialist Leaches and useful idiots that have almost ruined our land. Our future as dim as it looks depends on what we do as a united front from now on. 

 Folks, we are in the fight of our lives. We need to stand up, grow some cojones and support our President in draining the disgusting swamp in Washington. As we speak, the swamp is fighting back with everything they have. These people are dangerous, malicious and even deadly if you dare interfere in their affairs. There is a war for your mind, and with the help of The Mainstream Media, they are converting many into their Socialist camp, also known as the Democrat Party. We need to let everyone know what is really going on in America.... and if they don't hear you, then we must yell at the top of our lungs, so they do hear you. There is no more time to waste Patriots, President Trump and America needs us and needs us now.............. MAGA! 

May 28, 2017


By Evelio Perez

 Madame President, the throne is yours! It's going to be a landslide! Newsweek has already declared you the winner! It is your turn! You deserve it! The polls say it's all over but the coronation! That pig Trump has no chance! Trump even has the balls to say that he might wait a few days to make sure that there was no fraud! The nerve of that evil man to question the validity of this country's election fairness!  In spite of all of the collusion from the press, the celebrity endorsements and the countless rich donors that gave over one billion dollars to her campaign, Clinton carried with her a ton of baggage, including her philandering husband, former President Bill Clinton. 

 Hillary Clinton not only had charges of corruption hanging over her and her disgusting Clinton Foundation but her illegal use and criminally erasing of her classified E-Mails, but she was also caught red-handed (as per Wiki Leaks) along with her faithful sidekick D.N.C. chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, in rigging The Democrat Primary in favor of The Queen herself, Hillary Clinton. Poor Bernie Sanders never had a chance! Clinton and The Democratic National Committee had the dishonest media provide her the debate questions to make sure she won what she always wanted and deserved the presidency. 

 Wiki Leaks also uncovered amongst the many thousands of E-Mails taken from Clinton Campaign Manager's John Podesta hacked computer, other disgusting revelations such as Devil Worshipping parties which involved young boys to be used as sex toys. Hell, they also showed how they were going to lie and slander Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump as a bigot and a misogynist.

 But something happened on the way to the polls on November the 8th, Hillary Clinton and her criminal political machine lost the election! The Democrats had their corrupt empire looked over by The American People and the people responded with a resounding electoral college landslide wipe out. Clinton and The Democrat's unexpected defeat at the hands of the trampled and tired silent majority was a simple and powerful message that they have had enough and simply kicked the scumbags out of power.

 It's been a few months since the biggest election shock of all times, bar none, (take a back seat Dewey vs.Truman) where the Democrats, led and paid for by Billionaire financier and World Order proponent George Soros was doing everything possible to try and de-legitimize President Donald J.Trump's well earned electoral college landslide. You see, Trump was not supposed to win! That of course was a huge mistake that has to be corrected to reflect the true feelings of the Far Left, the Hollywood Elites and of course "The Swamp". If it's not a recount, "its Wiki Leaks", "it's James Comey", "it's the popular vote", "it's the Russians", the current slander is "Trump is illegitimate"! They have nothing else Folks. The Liberals were so shocked and demoralized that many threatened to leave the country (still waiting). Incredibly, they needed safe zones to cry, poodles to pet and even coloring books to calm those out of control emotions of disbelief! Riots, looting, killings, muggings and destruction of private property are now the norm. 

 Oh yes, who can forget Hollywood..... Many conservative actors live in constant fear of being blackballed if they even hint at being a conservative. The fanatical left-wing weenies have no tolerance for anyone other than their ideological Socialist Zombies, which in turn makes it impossible for anyone with a different point of view to freely express themselves in that closed and bullying society. The Conservative actors are simply afraid of being blackballed. These Fascist tactics that the tolerant ones in LA LA Land are using are forcing many to stay in the closet if they ever want to work in the land of make-believe.

 It does not end there Folks, the Democrat minority in the house and senate's main job is to obstruct President Trump's every move that he makes from now on, just look at all of the silly delays on all of the president's confirmations to his still unfilled cabinet positions. These sore-losing malcontents evil plans and goals are to make sure that Donald Trump's presidency is doomed and pronounced illegitimate. 

 Our Democracy is being torn apart by Snowflakes, Abortionists, Communists, Anarchists, Black Lives Matter rioters and the lazy leeches who attack for their Socialist Ideology. You see, these trouble making Liberals had their Communist Utopia all lined up in their little evil and convoluted minds. They were ready to continue their Socialist onslaught on traditional American values through the Liberal controlled schools and Main Stream Media. Folks, we were so close to losing America forever. But something happened on the way to the polls on November 8th, Trump won! 

 Folks with our very eyes we are witnessing a very serious attempt to overthrow a freely elected President of The United States and replace him with their ideal Socialist World Order that would dictate to us from afar in how we lead our lives and run our country.  

  These Liberals and all those who support them are in the least criminally ignorant. Their incompetent allegiance to a known criminal (Hillary) and the lack of-of real facts are, in fact aiding and abetting the beginning of the end of the greatest social experiment ever. Many on the Left which includes close to half of this nation, can't, or won't see the truth if it was staring them right in their faces, never mind the obvious fake news fed to them by their friends and allies in The Mainstream Media, they simply don't care. Sadly their ideology is more important to them than the truth.  

 President Trump and his family has not only been threatened with bodily harm but has been ridiculed for the promises that he made to The American People that got him elected. Our President has been attacked repeatedly with unfounded and damaging allegations by "unnamed sources" (leaks by The Swamp) with absolutely no proof of any kind. The Mainstream Media's filthy paws are all over these treasonous attempts to undermine and delegitimize our President. Incredibly, they are getting away with it. 

 It's incredible how many of these useful idiots believe in this failed Socialist ideology. Their sheer fanaticism and total disregard for the laws of the land will continue to send them deeper into reality's abyss and I for one will do anything and everything to expose these big brother hypnotists that keep trying and succeeding in shaping the minds and souls of the weak.